Monday, August 25, 2014

What Sarah is Most Excited About

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." 

 I must admit that I am super excited about every place that we are headed.  Every country and every town has so much to offer. Although many will vary greatly from one another, it's important to me to see the beauty and understand the history of each place we visit. Regardless of where we are, I am most looking forward to get to explore and probably get lost a few times with the man of my dreams.  I am so blessed to be able to call him my husband and am excited to finally get to celebrate our honeymoon.  If I had to pick my top 3 places that I am most excited about, I would probably say: 

  1. All of Ireland:  I can not wait to see the incredibly green rolling pastures and picturesque castles.  It will be very cool for me to travel the streets of my ancestors and get a glimpse of a part of my heritage.  I also heard that there are numerous equestrian activities to partake in, including riding through castle streets, forest trails, and pristine beaches (which has long since been a dream of mine).   I hope Ray is ready for some horseback adventures cause there is no way he is getting out of doing this with me. 
  2. Cinque Terre: Known as “The Five Lands”, it is a rugged portion of coast on the Italian Riviera that is connected by hiking trails, trains and boats, apparently there are no cars there.  Ever since my parents went there a year or so ago, I have had my heart set on seeing this magnificent place for myself.  Out of all the places I’ve talked to people about, this is the place where everyone pauses and then remarks “I love that place! You have to go there!”. I’ve been told that one can very easily lose track of time when there, but what better thing to do than surround yourself by some of the most brilliant views and just embrace every moment.  
  3. Barcelona: After reading through my Lonely Planet travel book, I grew very excited about going to Spain, but specifically Barcelona.  From the Mercat de la Boqueria, to La Sagrada Familia, to Park Guell, to the delicious tapas and paella, I think Barcelona will be a great way to end our trip 
Over the past couple months, we have had an outpouring of advice, tips, and recommendations from our family, friends, friends of friends (some we have yet to meet but hope to while we travel around) and co-workers to help guide us to find the best spots in every place we are going.  I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our trip, your helpful words are greatly appreciated and have made me even more excited about all that's in store for us.  

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