One day I hope to say that I've seen the world, but that day is not here yet. However, over the past couple years, I have developed a profound desire to travel, to see things I’ve never seen before and go places I’ve never been before. The world has infinite experiences so why not take advantage of whats out there. Why not experience some unknowns, whether it be a foreign land or culture, food or drink or even activity. As I sit here, already having accomplished a 3 hour flight to Dallas (plus a 4 hour layover) and now 3 hours into our next flight to Madrid (still 7 hours to go), I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on life: past, present and future. Its amazing when you give yourself time to think, how everything starts to take on a new perspective. It’s been 8 months since my last blog post (and I must apologize that I never finished it, but I will) and a lot of life has happened. Days have come and gone, some busy, some stressful, some boring, others pretty fun but despite the ebb and flow of everyday life, Ray and I continue share in our desire to travel. Thankfully we had a great excuse this time, since two good friends of ours decided to have their wedding in Spain. Just like last time how the Penn State game put us in Dublin, Ireland August 30, now we couldn't wait to be in Cordoba, Spain in the beginning of June. From their, our pre-trip plan took many shapes before we settled on a preliminary game plan. As of now, we are planning on putting around Morocco, Spain and Portugal for the next month. Some of it is planned, some is being left up to chance. I can not even begin to explain how excited I am to be able to do this again. Oh and of course we have our travel sidekick, Pepe to partake in all the craziness along the way.
For me, I am most excited about: traveling by camel across the Sahara desert in Morocco, surrounding myself amidst the beautiful flower-lined buildings in Cordoba and driving along the southern coast of Portugal. But most of all, I am just elated to be traveling again.
“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”
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